Friday, September 30, 2005

Google Earth and GPS

On what was probably the last sail of the season, in a Force 5, gusting 7, we managed a top speed of 16.4 knots in a short sail that covered 12.4 miles. An image of the route can be seen in this Google Earth image, or download the trip data into Google Earth as a KMZ file here. Martin and I had another cracking time surfing down the waves, and even sailed through the new Bideford Quay Fountain to wash the sails.

An alternative view of the tracklog can be seen here - this gives a log of the track against time, with faster speeds in red and slower speeds in blue.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

19 knots!

Well what a sail! We managed a recorded 19 knots over the ground on a very blustery sail (F6, gusting F7) on the evening of 3rd September 2005.

Martin Caddy was very nimble out on the wire, and deftly kept the hulls from ploughing too deeply, avoiding several pitch-poles.

A quite knackering and exhilarating sail. The track of this sail can be seen here.

It was an odd sensation sailing when the rest of the club had called it a day.

MagnaLog track here